It’s important to check your final drive on a regular basis and keep up with general maintenance to help improve the lifespan.
- Keeping your final drive clean can make it easier to spot any issues when they first occur rather than them being hidden by grease and dirt, keeping them out of sight.
- Check your oil – you can find out how to do this in the operators’ manual. If your oil level is too low this will cause more friction causing damage. If there is a leak you may need to replace the seal.
- If your final drive is connected to the machine's hydraulic system, it will be affected by the quality of the machine's hydraulic oil. Therefore, it is important to change your filter on time.
Traction motors available for many makes and models -
Final drives - Plant Spares Online
Final Drives & Parts | UK Construction Parts
Hydraulic / Transmission filters -
Filters | UK Construction Parts
Hydraulic Filters - Plant Spares Online
Seal Kits | UK Construction Parts
Seals & Seal Kits - Plant Spares Online
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